Rise of the Citadel (The Search for the Brights Book 2) Read online

Page 31

  Joahna took a man’s form and stayed away from the fire. “I don’t think that would be a wise decision. The Crimson are here and we may not be able to protect you from them.”

  “Who are the Crimson?”

  Max stood straight and Kilen watched as red bands of clay formed around Max’s arms and hung off like scraps of cloth. “I was once part of the Crimson. They are the royal guardians for the Fire Realm. These are the men from which the king is chosen. Each man shows skill not only with the blade, but a particular kind of magic. Elric showed talent in all forms of magic and in the blade, he is the best of the Crimson.”

  Joahna stepped close, “If you manage to slip past the defenses and the Crimson, and somehow make it to the king unnoticed, you will be in the presence of their greatest fighter. If he reacts at all unpleasantly, the Crimson will be alerted. All of us together cannot take them by force. I have another plan.”

  “What, just walk in there and hope they don’t kill him?” Jace spoke as if the others could hear him.

  Kilen did not think his statement was funny. “Jace asked if your plan was to just walk in and hope they don’t kill me.”

  Joahna did not hesitate, “Yes, it is. If you walk in with no weapons drawn and asked to talk to Elric, he should allow it. The worst thing that could happen is the soldiers attack and we run before the Crimson can arrive. The best possibility is that Elric will talk to you. With us at your side, you should be able to convince him that you can gain favor with the Elder Wizards to finish the canal. Tell him to leave the land before King Atmos arrives.”

  Max stepped in, “If Kilen dresses the part of a weapon bearer and walks with elementals but does nothing to attack, it should be enough to claim some respect. It should also prove your station.”

  “I am not an ambassador, Kilen. I can’t help you. I can however provide an early warning for anything about to happen around you. These two men are from the Fire Realm...remember to trust no one.” Jace’s emotions made Kilen weary.

  Kilen spoke out loud to Jace as he turned away from the others, “They could provide the knowledge of customs that neither of us have to make this work. We don’t have a lot of options here.”

  Max almost said something, but Joahna held up a crystallized hand to stop him.

  “They may be our only chance at both our survival and the survival of the Earth Realm.” Jace sounded a little disappointed in giving in. “I will do my best to keep us both alive no matter what happens. Summon me so that I may assist you.”

  The wind magic was by far the hardest to control for Kilen. The idea of moving the wind was more foreign because wind is unseen, unlike water, earth, and fire. They could only see the effects that it had on the world.

  Kilen concentrated on using all four elements. Water was always the easiest for him to see. When he pictured water, earth, and fire, he began to see wind with less effort. Even though he had practiced this on his journey, he still found wonderment in the combination of the elemental magics.

  The trees rustled with the natural wind and Kilen grabbed it, using the wind vision. Holding wind still was like holding water in your finger; it would eventually seep through. Instead, he helped direct it in the direction he wanted it to go. He pushed the wind into a circular pattern until he had a knee-high whirlwind on the edge of their camp. Keeping the whirlwind going, he pushed Jace’s mind into the wind. The concussion and loss of emotions in his mind occured again, only this time he was prepared and was able to stay conscious.

  Jace spoke before Kilen could open his eyes, “If your plan is to work, then we will have to make him look like a true weapon bearer. Let’s get him dressed and ready for this.”

  “Jace, if you do not trust us, then how are we to trust you?” Joahna asked, staring at the small whirlwind. “Yes., Max and I are from a foreign land but until we get our bodies back we have only one choice. We all have to trust one another. Killing Kilen would only be killing ourselves.”

  The wind was silent for a moment at Joahna’s accusation and finally answered, “Old habits die hard.”

  It took a moment but Joahna seemed to accept the answer.

  Max moved to the bags, ignoring the others, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t trust any of you.” He pulled the shield and acted as if he was blowing the dust off the surface and polishing it with his stone forearm.

  Jace’s voice responded, “Let me help, you stone cold brute.”

  With his three elementals all cooperating, Kilen quickly donned fresh clothing and awaited the rest to make ready his armor. Each piece was placed on him with a high polish shine. He picked up his shield and put it on his arm.

  Joahna, sounding wise again asked, “Are you ready to meet another king?”

  Kilen smiled, “I am ready to meet your brother. Is there anything that I need to know?”

  “You will have to be confident of your power and authority,” Max piped up, packing the last of the things in the bag. “We will have to display your power as we approach the camp so that there is no doubt of who you are. You will need to announce yourself and ask specifically to see Elric. You can use both our names and titles to gain their trust.”

  Kilen nodded, listening intently.

  “We should leave everything here incase we need to run.” Jace’s voice sounded ready and determined.

  Kilen made his way out of the small copse of trees and Max formed himself into a horse. Kilen took the hint and mounted him. In the form of an eagle, Joahna’s talons clinked on the metal covering Kilen’s shoulder. Kilen half expected Jace to form himself into something, but instead dust and leaves began to rotate around Kilen in a large circle. The circle moved evenly as Max lurched forward into a gallop.

  As he approached, Kilen heard men shouting in the trees. He even saw workers chopping trees down, drop their axe and run when he passed. Kilen’s dark green cloak flapped in the wind as he came into the clearing beyond the trees and into the valley.

  Max slowed to a walk but kept moving with men shouting around him. Large horns began to blow, announcing his arrival. The Fire Realms soldiers began to snatch up weapons and charge at Kilen. Max stopped and Kilen dismounted. Joahna took flight and circled once above his head before speeding past him. Men stabbed at the crystallized eagle as it split them into two groups.

  Jace’s voice heeded him, “Walk forward.”

  Kilen listened and walked between the two groups of men, keeping his arms at his side. Jace wound the wind and debris closer to Kilen’s body, making it hard for him to make out their facial features.

  He watched as a dozen shirtless men ran towards him, each with a red band on their arms. Before they could reach him, Joahna grew in size and changed into the form of a man. The eagle’s wings grew in size and stayed attached to his back. He stood defiantly flapping his wings, holding the Crimson at bay. Kilen stopped about ten paces behind Joahna. As if stepping out of the ground, Max took the form he had taken in camp, only this time with two curved stone blades in his hands. The wind died down at Jace’s command and none of the Fire Realm’s men moved.

  Seeing that none of the soldiers were advancing, Joahna casually walked to Kilen’s other side, tucking his wings in behind him.

  “I am Kilen Everheart, Weapon Bearer appointed by the Elder Wizard’s Council. I have come to speak with King Elric Rekkan of the Fire Realm under direction of Fire Wizard Joahna Rekkan and Max Rekkan of the Crismon.”

  No one spoke and not a sound could be heard except for the constant babble of water in the river near by. Only the dust stirred as Jace kept his line drawn in the dirt from a circle rotating around the small party. Finally, one of the Crimson sheathed his sword and bowed to Kilen. He held out his hands for the others to put away their weapons. Max melted the stone swords back into his arms and they reappeared on his back as if in a stone sheath. His white marble eyes urged Kilen forward.

  The man that appeared to be the leader of the Crimson took one step forward to the edge of Jace’s circle
. “I am Pada of the Crimson, I will take you to see our king.” He turned and walked towards the tent Kilen knew Elric occupied.

  Kilen followed, keeping some distance. Joahna and Max stayed to either side of him and kept one pace behind. He wasn’t sure if the soldiers were staring at him or at his winged elemental man walking through their camp.

  As they passed by the tents, carts, and campfires, Kilen saw men that looked too pale to be from the Fire Realm. They wore clothing of linen and not of leather straps like he had seen on almost every soldier in the camp. Each man went about their business trying to act as if Kilen wasn’t there. Just when he thought they were ignoring him Joahna would flap his wings and draw their attention again.

  Pada walked ahead without looking back and disappeared inside of the tent. The guards outside held up their hands for Kilen to wait. They looked at Kilen and his elementals as Max and Joahna looked around.

  Max took a step closer to the tent, “Jebra, Toren, how was the journey?”

  The two guards looked at one another then looked back at Kilen, ignoring Max’s form.

  “Short enough,” one said.

  The other answered, “A bit too cool for my liking.”

  Kilen didn’t want to know what hot was like if crossing a desert was too cool. Max returned to stand beside Kilen looking as though the short conversation did not take place.

  Pada came out, nodded to the guards then waved Kilen inside. Max melted himself into the ground and Joahna followed Kilen, tucking his wings in.

  Inside the large tent was a set of carpets, a plate of food, and large pitchers, one of which King Elric was dipping a ladle into for water. Max rose out of a uncarpeted area of the ground and formed himself back into his human likeness. Kilen stopped watching him change and looked at Joahna who had donned his previous clothing as a fire wizard.

  Kilen kneeled and clasped his fist against his chest.

  “Rise. I have no need for theatrics, warrior.” Elric said.

  Kilen hardly thought of himself as a warrior, but did as commanded.

  “A weapon bearer appointed by the Elder Wizard’s Council. The title would suggest that you are very powerful, but controlling two elementals while you walk, that is impressive.” He said taking a drink from a waterskin.

  “Three, actually.” Kilen said.

  Elric lowered his head and closed his eyes for a moment. “Very well, three. Please, a warrior of your strength I treat on equal footing. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Kilen leaned his shield against a tent pole and joined Elric on the carpet. Elric offered him a cup and Joahna filled it with water.

  “Pada tells me that you have come by the council of my ambassadors.”

  “I come on behalf of the Earth Realm’s people and under the council of your brothers, sire.”

  Elric nodded, “What is it you will have me do?”

  “I would have you leave the land and stop this war,” Kilen answered with as much confidence as he could.

  “If you came under my brothers council, you’d know that this request isn’t possible. They know me well enough that I would not disregard my queen’s orders.”

  Kilen smiled, “They said you were obedient to a fault. Your brother’s advice is in line with all who fight here.”

  “What did my brothers advise?” Elric's eyes were untrusting and pierced into Kilen, looking for lies.

  Kilen felt as if he was lying to Bowie’s father about where Bowie was. “We’ve been in discussion with the Elder Wizards on how to restore the canal to the Fire Realm. They, the Elder Wizards, are aware of the importance of this and that King Atmos has no desire to assist. They also know that he has no desire to return the fire wizards to you for training or any of the counseling wizards to the Fire Realm. While we know of the problems between King Atmos and the Fire Realm, the Elder Wizards have confided in me a bigger threat to our world.”

  Elric raised and eyebrow, “A bigger threat than forty thousand Fire Realm men in the Earth Realm?”

  “There are whispers of a soul wizard in the elemental lands. The Elders are investigating the rise of another dark army.”

  Elric finally sat up and put down his cup. “What is it they would have me do? If this is true, the elemental lands stand no chance to survive.”

  “Leave the Earth Realm in peace. I will do my best to arrange for King Atmos to meet with you when his army arrives. I hope that we can resolve this conflict peacefully.” Kilen said taking a long drink.

  “Where are my brothers?”

  Kilen heard the one question he hoped Elric wouldn’t ask.

  He looked at the two statue-like elementals, “Your brothers stand with me. They are unable to be here in person, but they are here with me in spirit.”

  “I see that they are. Your elementals are a perfect match for them. If they were not, I would’ve killed you by now. I will meet with your king,” Elric said.

  “He is not my king. I am from the Water Realm. I am a True Weapon Bearer and I have no king. I am glad to hear you will meet with King Atmos.”

  Elric held out his hand and waited for Kilen to take it.

  “I am glad that you are one of the Elder’s men. I probably would leave Atmos to fend for himself from the dark army, but I will give this peace a chance for you and the Elders. Perhaps King Atmos may see me as a friend and ally after this meeting.”

  Kilen took his hand and shook it. He hoped his past with King Atmos would not cause a disruption in this meeting. Every time Kilen had done what the king had asked, he felt like he was hated by him even more. He knew that Atmos wanted him dead, even if he did complete the mission.

  “The Elder Wizard’s Council told me that as a True Weapon Bearer, no man rules me. I seek only justice for the land and all that reside in it. I am the man that kings, noblemen, wizards, and wielders answer to. I have a hard time understanding this, but as I gain experience I am sure that I will understand how to fill the role better,” Kilen said.

  Still holding Kilen’s hand, Elric’s grip became harder, “You mean to tell me this is the first time you have negotiated something?”

  “It is not the first time I’ve had to deal with King Atmos. I will do my best to bring his wizard council with him. They stand against this war as well. They will negotiate on my behalf.”

  Elric’s jaw tightened just as his grip did. “For your sake, you better hope that they help him see reason.”

  Kilen nodded to King Rekkan.

  “Let us get you settled and some rest while we wait for King Atmos’ men to arrive.”

  Kilen picked up his shield and Max helped him fix it on his back. Pada and a the rest of the Crimson followed their movement throughout the camp in a protective ring around their king.

  “I don’t think the king would be happy to find the Earth Realm’s men in my camp so I am sending them away today.”

  “Earth Realm’s men?” Kilen asked, trying to keep up with Elric’s long striding walk.

  “Yes. We came with the intent to buy supplies we needed from the locals here and build our own fortifications. When we started to purchase our supplies the local towns started giving them away. They asked if they could join our army.”

  Kilen stopped, “They asked if they could join your army and fight against their own king?”

  Elric also stopped, acknowledging Kilen had his question correct, “We wouldn’t let them join in a fight against their king. We don’t take turncoats here, It’s a dishonor. They agreed to help construct of our fortifications. I’m sending them home today, they should not be here when their king arrives.”

  “I think that would be wise. If you’d let them join the fight, it certainly would’ve hurt any chance we have at reaching a truce. The sooner they’re back where they belong, the better. If any of them are caught on the road and questioned it would only sentence them to death,” Kilen said as he looked around.

  Elric waved Pada over, “Issue the order. All men from the Earth Realm are to return home. They sh
ould avoid the main roads and any troops they encounter for their own health. They must leave within the hour.”

  Pada nodded and the Crimson ran in every direction.

  “You may pick any of these tents. We had them set aside for use by the Earth Realm workers.”

  Kilen watched, soon the camp was filled with Fire Realm soldiers and Earth Realm citizens. They shook hands and some even hugged as they departed. Earth Realm men handed off knives and weapons they had made. Axes and hammers were exchanged for jewelry and keepsakes between the two cultures. He watched as these items were exchanged, not one exchange was made with hatred or remorse between the men of two separate lands. They had both suffered at the hands of King Atmos. Kilen wished he had the same type of relationship with these Fire Realm men. He wanted them to know he was here to help keep them all alive.

  An idea struck Kilen and he turned to smile at Max and Joahna, “Sire, do you have any practice blades?”

  Elric rose an eyebrow, “We have a few. Do you wish to train my men? They are combat trained amongst the best in our realm.”

  Kilen took a step closer to the king, “I have been trained by a Kapal, and trained with another True Weapon Bearer. I have fought a king’s champion and trained with another member of the Crimson. I wish to train with the best of the Crimson. I may never get another chance to spar with a king.”

  Elric smiled at Kilen’s request.

  Kilen started to strip off his armor and Joahna and Max came to his aid. Kilen knew he would lose, but if he ever found a woman to call his own, he would have another story to tell his grandchildren.

  Chapter 19 - Three

  Auburn rarely took her eyes from the surrounding area. Her paranoia was even more heightened as the trees leaves went from far above head to being low to the ground and hard to see through. She was on constant watch, as if the enemy could jump from anyone of the evergreen trees. Bowie tried to calm and reassure her that because they traveled at the back of the march, most would target the leaders in the front. She still followed him in spite of his pleadings.